[2024-09-10]We are pleased to announce that the 2024 7th International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (ICCAEE 2024), organized by The International Academy of Science and Engineering for Development (IASED), was successfully held in the vibrant city of Barcelona, Spain, from September 20-22, 2024.
[2024-08-20] 2023 6th International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (ICCAEE 2023) has been published by "AIP Conference Proceedings" (Online ISSN 1551-7616) and indexed by Scopus and other major databases.
About ICCAEE 2025
Welcome to all of you to the 2025 8th International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (ICCAEE 2025). The conference is organized by The International Academy of Science and Engineering for Development (IASED), and will be held in Auckland, New Zealand during December 12-14, 2025.
This conference is focused on modern concepts of sustainable and green infrastructure and environmental practices with consideration for global implications of burgeoning urbanization, climate change, and stewardship of coastal and other sensitive environments. The conference aims to present recent global developments in coastal engineering, environmental-friendly construction and development practices, green building materials, architectural design innovations, sustainable cultivation and conservation practices, land reclamation and re-purposing concepts, and advances in environmental analysis and monitoring. We will focus on the as-built world as we currently know it, and what is not known about cities and resource developments of the future.
ICCAEE offers a platform for researchers, academics, professionals, and industry experts from around the globe to foster new collaborations, gain fresh perspectives, and shape the future of civil, architectural and environmental engineering.
We encourage you to mark your calendars for ICCAEE 2025 and join us in this enriching experience, and we eagerly anticipate the insights and expertise you will bring.
Please submit your paper through online submission system.
All submitted papers need to be original, must not be previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere, must not be under review by any other conference or publication during the review cycle.
All submitted papers will go through a double-blind reviewing process conducted by at least two reviewers assigned by the chairs of committees. Also if you don't want to publish any paper, you are welcome to join us as a presenter, listener, etc.
Key Dates
First Round | |
Abstract Submission | June 28, 2025 |
Full Paper Submission | July 12, 2025 |
Author Notification | August 12, 2025 |
Registration | September 12, 2025 |
Main Conference | December 12-14, 2025 |
All accepted and presented papers will be published in digital conference proceeding, which will send to be reviewed and indexed by major citation databases such as Scopus etc.
Excellent papers will be considered for submission in CRPASE Journal (Computational Research Progress in Applied Science & Engineering) after significant extension.
Excellent papers with significant extension will be recommended to publish in International Journal of Structural Integrity (ISSN 1757-9864), and submitted for indexing in Ei Compendex, Scopus, British Library, EBSCO, etc.
Call For Papers
Original papers, demonstrations, tutorials, and posters are invited in every area of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering. Papers may address any aspect including (but are not limited to):
▶ Civil and Architectural Engineering | ▶ Environmental Science & Environmental Engineering | ▶ Architecture & Building Materials |
Bridge Engineering | Clean Production Process | Advanced Construction Materials |
Cartography and Geographic Information System | Cultivation and Conservation of Forest | Architectural Design and Its Theory |
Coastal Engineering | Environmental Analysis and Monitoring | Building Energy Saving Technology |
Computational Mechanics | Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology | Building Technology Science |
Computer Simulation and CAD/CAE | Environmental Materials | Ecological Architecture |
Construction Technology | Environmental Planning and Assessment | Green Building Materials |
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation | Environmental Protection | Landscape Planning and Design |
Geological Engineering | Environmental Safety and Health | Traditional Construction Materials |
SCI/EI/Scopus Journals
Selected excellent papers with a significant extension will be further recommended to be published on the following SCI, SCIE and EI journals after an additional review process:
1. Thin-Walled Structures (Chinese Academy of Sciences Q1; ISSN: 1879-3223, IF: 6.4; indexed in SCI, EI and Scopus)
2. Composites Part B: Engineering (Chinese Academy of Sciences Q1; ISSN: 1879-1069, IF: 13.1; indexed in SCI, EI and Scopus)
3. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (Chinese Academy of Sciences Q1; ISSN: 1879-2138, IF: 7.2; indexed in SCI, EI and Scopus)
4. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (Chinese Academy of Sciences Q2; ISSN: 1615-1488, IF: 3.9; indexed in SCIE, EI and Scopus)
【2024-09-10】We are pleased to announce that the 2024 7th International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (ICCAEE 2024), organized by The International Academy of Science and Engineering for Development (IASED), was successfully held in the vibrant city of Barcelona, Spain, from September 20-22, 2024.
【2024-08-20】2023 6th International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (ICCAEE 2023) has been published by "AIP Conference Proceedings" (Online ISSN 1551-7616) and indexed by Scopus and other major databases.
【2023-12-20】The proceedings of ICCAEE 2023 have been submitted to AIP Conference Proceedings and are currently undergoing the publication and indexing process.
【2023-09-01】We are honored to invited Prof. Jamal Khatib from Beirut Arab University (BAU)-Lebanon to give us a keynote speech! He is a Fellow of FICE and FHEA.
【2023-08-07】We are glad to announce that the Chairman of Guangzhou Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd Zhengyuan Xiong will give us a keynote speech!
【2023-05-09】We are pleased to invite Prof. Liyin Shen to be the Honorary Chair of ICCAEE 2023!
【2023-02-17】2023 6th International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (ICCAEE 2023) will be held in Guangzhou, China on November 17-19, 2023.